Monday, June 27, 2011


Beta today was 314! My favorite phlebotomist drew my blood again today. She just grinned from ear to ear when she saw that I was back today. If the blood she had drawn on Saturday had been negative, there would have been no reason for me to be back this morning.

I feel relieved that my numbers were good today. I have to admit that I was at least mildly concerned that they wouldn't have doubled. Of course, my body was definitely telling me that my hCG was rising. It's just so hard to listen to that sometimes when my brain is being so negative.

I have an appointment with my OB on July 11 and will get an ultrasound then. Late this afternoon I called the midwives that I would like to use and left a message. I haven't heard back from them. I'm not concerned because it's a very small practice: two midwives and no office staff. They could have easily been attending a birth. I'll call again on Wednesday morning if I haven't heard from them by then.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Beta Day

I had blood drawn by my favorite phlebotomist this morning. I'm not kidding. I have a favorite person to poke my vein in my left arm. She is personable and funny and brightens my day. Of course, it helps that she's actually good at her job and doesn't leave me black and blue. She drew my blood at 8:00. And I waited... and waited... and waited some more. At 4:00 I couldn't take it any more, after all it was 5:00 on the other side of the state where my doctor is, and I called the after hours phone number. The answering service transferred me directly to the doctor. No waiting for him to call back at least. He told me to text him my phone number and he would call once he figured out what was going on.

So I waited some more.

An hour later I received the call. My beta hCG was 135! I am thrilled! I'm not sure if I blogged about my feelings of despair and "there is no way this cycle is going to work" but I had those feelings a lot the past week or so. I guess that's what happens when you're let down time and time again.

But I'm pregnant. With a really great first beta.

P.S. I don't think that any one really reads this blog, but if you do and you know me in real life, please don't tell anyone. We aren't telling "people" yet. Of course, here I am posting on the internet about it, but eh, I don't think anyone reads this anyway.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Negative Yesterday

Sorry I forgot to post yesterday.

Yesterday's test was negative. It was still on the early side to get a positive. Didn't test this morning, even though I wanted to. I think it'd the first time I've shown restraint when it comes to POAS. I guess I've learned something in 4 IVFs and 1 FET.

I'll test again in the morning.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Progestreone is EVIL!

I try really hard not to complain when I'm cycling. After all, I want to be pregnant, right? But those blasted PIO injections. First of all, they are literally a pain in the butt. An inch and a half, 25 gauge shot in one cheek or the other every night. You'd think that that would be the worst part, but you'd be wrong. The PIO leaves awful, painful welts too. Oh, and lets not forget the side effects of progesterone: bloating, breast tenderness, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, fluid retention, headache, heartburn, irritability, nausea, tiredness, and vomiting. Do those sound at all familiar? Yep. That's right. Those are the exact same as the symptoms of pregnancy. It's enough to drive a wanna-be pregnant lady bonkers! I'm testing tomorrow. I can't handle the suspense and pseudo-pregnancy symptoms any longer.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Still Waiting

I went to Dollar Tree this afternoon and bought three tests. I'm hoping to make it until Tuesday (10dpo) to begin testing. There's really no sense in doing so any earlier than that. I figured I could test Tuesday, Thursday, and then one last time on Saturday before I go in for my beta. I wonder if those three tests will actually make it that long or not. I'll probably end up driving the 7.8 miles to the closest Dollar Tree to get more. Gah! It's so hard to wait.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Now We Wait

So I had my FET yesterday. Both the embryologist and my doctor were very pleased with the way the embryo looked after it thawed. I am really glad that we left the clinic in Memphis for this one. I haven't stepped foot in that building since mid-January and they all remembered details about us. The embryologist, the doctor and the nurse (and I think one of the receptionists) offered their condolences to us for losing DH's step dad. I just feel like they care there and don't see us as dollar signs when we walk through the door.

Anyway, the actual transfer went well. I didn't drink too much water, so I wasn't miserable. You have to have a full bladder so that it shows up well as a landmark for ultrasound guidance during the transfer. For my first two IVF cycles (when TTC the first time) I drank way too much water and was absolutely miserable. I've learned a lot in the three transfers since that time.

My progesterone level was great but my estrogen was on the low side so I'm supposed to start estrogen patches tonight in addition to the estrogen pills I am already taking.

My quantitative hcg test will be next Saturday. I'm trying to decide when I want to start testing at home. Today is the equivalent of 6 days after ovulation. I'm thinking I'm going to try to wait until Tuesday (equivalent to 10dpo). But I'm planning on buying tests from Dollar Tree tomorrow, so we'll see how long I last once they are in the house.

Friday, June 10, 2011

FET is scheduled

FETs are boring. That's all there is to it. Fresh IVF cycles are so much more exciting. All the monitoring appointments, and follicle counts, and measurements. Oh, and the extra hormones. Can't forget those! None of that happens with a FET. Even combining my canceled FET in April with this one, I have still stepped foot in the RE's office fewer times than I did with a single IVF cycle. FETs just don't make for good blogging material.

I went for my final bloodwork and ultrasound this morning. Everything was right where it should be. Transfer is scheduled for Thursday at 10:30am on the other end of the state.

In other news, I'm a bit sad. Another infertility blogger linked to a new-to-me blog. This blogger just lost her second set of twins at 21 weeks of pregnancy. Losing one baby was the hardest thing I have ever endured. I cannot even imagine losing four.