Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Egg Retrieval Tomorrow!

I took my HcG trigger shot last night, which means that tomorrow is ER! I'm really excited. I feel good about everything at this point. I'm really hoping that I have lots of mature eggs that make good quality embryos. That was my problem the other two times we did IVF. The first time we only ended up with two embryos of so-so quality. The second time, we had higher quality, but we still only had three embryos. We transferred the two best ones and the third one didn't make it to the freezing stage.

I know that I've done everything possible to make this cycle successful. I've taken my medicine religiously (of course!) and have done my relaxation time each day. This cycle I also added acupuncture, which I have to admit, I was skeptical about at first. At the very least, it took away some of the stress that goes along with IVF and made me a little more relaxed about the whole thing. So, if it works, great! I did everything that I could to make that happen. If not, I know that I still did everything possible to have a successful cycle and won't have any regrets.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Let the Stimming Begin!

I started the Gonal F and Menopur on Saturday. I took 75 units of Menopur in the morning and 375 units of Gonal F in the evenings. I went in for bloodwork on Tuesday. Based on the results I was told to reduce my Gonal F to 300 units. I went back in this morning for bloodwork and an ultrasound. The nurse said that the lining of my uterus looked great and that my follicles were right were they should be at this point. I had five follicles on the right side and four on the left. Now I'm waiting for the nurse to call with my instructions. I probably go back on Saturday for at least bloodwork and possibly another ultrasound.