Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Transfer Summary and a Frozen Embryo!

Apparently I forgot to update after the transfer. Oops!

The transfer was on Monday at 11:30. It went really well and they transferred 3 beautiful embies. Two of them were between a grade 1 and a grade 2. Grade 1 is the best and the scale goes all the way to grade 5, so these were pretty good. The other was a grade 3, so it was about average. The transfer went off without a hitch and Dr. M. said that he felt really good about it.

I went back to the house and took it easy for the rest of the day and then we left for home after dinner. The Real Deal slept the whole way and then continued to sleep really well after we got home. The ride was smooth, even though we had a little rain off and on. We did hit some pretty dense fog about 40 miles or so from our exit, but other than that it was smooth sailing.

The embryologist called this morning to say that one of the five remaining embryos is ready to be frozen. This is our fourth IVF cycle and we have NEVER had an embryo make it to that stage, so we were very excited to hear the news. The grading scale changes once the embryo becomes a blastocyst. This one is an expanded blastocyst, so it is assigned the number 4. Then the outer shell is graded from A-F, the inner shell is graded from A to F, and the inner fluid is graded from A-E (or something like that, I don't remember the exact specifics, but you get the idea). So a perfect embryo at this stage would be a 4AAA. Ours was a 4AAB! I'm so excited! She also said that three of them have arrested but that there is one more that she is going to watch until tomorrow morning to see how it looks and it may be able to be frozen as well.

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