Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Massive Update

I admit. I'm a delinquent blogger. I try, really I do, but life tends to get in the way of blogging about it. I'm ok with that as long as I get to do a few big updates now and then.

Let's see... where to start. My pregnancy is going along great! I am currently 18 weeks and 4 days. We had a little glitch several weeks ago though. My midwife called to inform me that while most of my blood work was perfectly normal, my hepatitis b test came back positive. Needless to say I was in shock! I haven't been engaging in any "risky behaviors" and haven't been exposed to anyone's blood. I was referred to an OB and was retested. After much stress and waiting, my repeat test came back negative (as I knew it had to) and my first test was determined to be a false positive. Whew! What a relief!

I had my anatomy scan a week ago. Everything looked great! No signs of any neural tube defects, large or small. And we are having another boy! Now I can start buying cute cloth diapers. I didn't start using cloth with Will until he was about 18 months old, so I don't have any newborn or small sized diapers. I have been having so much fun picking out the ones I'm going to use with the new baby.

Will turned 4 just over a week ago. He's still talking about the bounce house and loves telling people that he is "pour." I had to reschedule his well-child pediatrician appointment, so I don't have any stats to update right now. I do plan on talking to him about his speech though. He has trouble with several consonant sounds, especially blends. If it's normal and age appropriate, great! If not, I want to get him the help he needs. I've made a list of words that he consistently mispronounces and it's upwards of 25, and I'm not including "hard" word like "spaghetti." Anyway, his appointment is one week from today and I'm looking forward to seeing what our beloved pediatrician says.

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